Financial Inclusion through Saving and InyCvStment o f Urban Slum Women A Socio-Economic Analysis

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hi Jitdia, Last fifteen years has witnessed growth in financial services unfolded b y Liberalization and (dobalization o f fnianciai services due to adoption o f infortnation technology and unlocking o f the regularity framr work. But, alongside thesepositiye deyelopnients there are evidences that formal financial sector s till excludes a large section o f population. Financial inclusion among women investor is very important. Because, Women investors hold ili/fcrent perceptions on liquidity', collateral quality, statutory protection, etc., for various investment avenues. In addition, th ey fix their priorities for these perceptions. The formation o f perceptions triggers the investment proces:, II I its own way', often leading to unrealistic apprehensions especially among women investors. The present study seek s to examine the awareness o f 125 urban slum women's towards savings and investment pattern. The respondents were selected b y cluster convenient sampling technique in Coimbatore city’ o f Tamil Nadu. The relevant data on the fic to is llillucncing about the .Socio-economic status, status o f financial liabilities purpose o f savings and investments were yollected with the help o f well- structured questionnaire. Majority o f the respondents have given top p rio r ity towards In surance p ro d u c t by' applying percentage analysis. The chi-square test reveals that, pattern o f saving, schemes of Investment among urban slum women investors vary according to their socio-economic condition. The multiple Vrgressions analysis te s t reveals that purpose o f savings, pattern o f savings, schemes o f investment and monthiv saving o f urban slum women are closely associated with their tyjic o f occupation.