A Heterogeneous Precipitate Based Magnesium Ion Selective Electrode-lts Preparation and Analytical Application

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A iiev. :.iin(,'lc ion seliHilivt; olecliu de poly yvinyi c lilr'iu k s me rnbi.in o r.unsoi fr'' Mg d l' lOns tiased on inag nesiu in Salicylate <is a new loiiophore lias been prepared arul s ludie tl I he electrode exhibits a gooo potontiometn c response tor Mg (ll) ion over a wide con centiatio n -;rnge I .Ox 10 to 1 0x10 N with a slope v<ilue ot elecIriKle i was 23 inv decade and 73 niv diHiade for electrode-il ■■‘ i f fliK 'tio .ln can bn used over 2 months with good lepiCHtucibility th e sensoi was used as an indio.iloi e le c lio rle in a p o le nliom e inc titration of Mg (ll) ions against F;OIA t lii ' snnsoi was used to detennine tlie Mg (ll) ions in batiy food pioducts and sp in a d i