Awareness on Financial Inclusion Among Low Income Households

dc.categoryBook Chapter
dc.contributor.authorShanthi, P
dc.description.abstractFinancial inclusion mainly for the poor who have not brought under the umbrella of formal financial institutional support and getting them out of the clutches of local money leaders The Report of the Committee on Financial Inclusion in India, 2008 define financial inclusion as the process of ensuring access to financial services and timely and adequate credit where needed by vulnerable such as weaker sections and low income group at an affordable cost The Government of India through the banking system derived important schemes meant to facilitate financial inclusion among its subjects, namely No frill account, Kisan Credit Card (KCQ, General Purpose credit Card (GCC) and dispensing micro credit through formation and credit linkage of Self Help Group. The study employed stratified random sampling technique to select318 respondents in urban and 282 respondents in rural and data were collected by well structured questionnaires and interview schedule. The Liker's scaling technique used for this study area. The result showed that, Low to moderate level awareness was prevailing among the entire sample respondents as to the features of these schemes. The study suggested that in order to cater to the needs of the urban respondents, Government should give special attention to financial schemes as it is not properly reached to huge both urban and rural low income population. Proper training to the agent, frequent inspection to avoid for fraud etc. One essential to create a awareness and provide education on financial services and also avoid in delay loan sanction and reduce the procedure, use of technology for spot collection and withdrawal of money, could be beneficial.en_US
dc.publication.categoryBook Chapteren_US
dc.publisher.nameFinancial Sector and Sustainable Developmenten_US
dc.titleAwareness on Financial Inclusion Among Low Income Householdsen_US
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