Awareness of Rural Women towards Financial Inclusion Schemes

dc.categoryBook Chapter
dc.contributor.authorShanthi, P
dc.description.abstractFinanciai Inclusion is an integral part o f the growth process. It is critical for achieving inclusive economic growth arid only such a growth is sustainable. It is an acknowledged fact that Indian economy is one o f the fastest growing economies in the world. Majority o f the population in India resides in rural areas. Thus development o f rural India is a key for economic development. Credit is one o f the veiy important inputs o f economic development. Micro Finance, Self-Help Groups and Financial Inclusion are the three dimensional approach to eliminate poverty and ensure rural development No-frill account has emerged as a powerful tool for financial inclusion, which links low income groups with banks. In India, Micro Finance is dominated by the SHGs through bank linkage programme. .Through a cost effective mechanism it aims at providing financial services to the unreached poor. The proximity o f the 'financial seivice is another fact and also due to most o f the excluded consumers who are unaware o f the bank’s products, which are beneficial for them. To analyze the association between the social economic status and level o f ^awareness toward financial inclusion. Sample o f 300 respondents, particularly rural women belonging to weaker ^section o f the society were selected from five villages in Sulur taluk o f Goimbatore district using simple random •isampling. The primaty data were collected through a well structured interview schedule. The data were analysed ‘through Percentage, Mean and F ratio. The results revealed that Financial inclusion programs must emphasize the iactive participation o f women to maximize impact. Specifically targeting women’s training coupled with financial {education to increase women’s access to simple and affordable savings services should be an integral part o f any {financial inclusion strategy.en_US
dc.publisher.nameSocio-Economic Empowerment ofWOMEN Initiatives for Impoverisheden_US
dc.titleAwareness of Rural Women towards Financial Inclusion Schemesen_US
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