Conscientizing Children on Child Sexual Abuse

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Being a kiddoestitaiwa/s mean being carefree. For seme cNUren childhood is not the golden period that h idolized and gloiified, rather it is a period o f iriensepain hurt and betrayal This hurt, pain and betrayal are caused by c hid sexual abuse- the most heitrous social problem. Child sexual abitse is a form child abitse in wNch an aduk or an older crdolescent uses a child for sextjal gratification. It has a wide range o f adverse p l^ ic a l and behavioural health conditlorrs. A mrly comprehensive approach to preventing sexualabuset^ drildren is educatitrg and enightening cirildren about sutdr issues. This study was therefore a n attempt to sensitize chiHren on sexual abuse and to find out the differetree in their awareness level after conduction o f an awareness progremme Using a sample o f 50 child ten in the age group o f 12-14 years from St.Teresa's Girls High School. Ernahjlam, the study conducted with theaid o f a se f designed guestionnaireran electrorikinfomration package and a kcdlet which helped educatethe children on child s&cualabuse and personal safety. The results revealed significant difference in theawareness c f c h id sexual abuse before and after the awareness progremme on various aspects c^ sexual abuse and petsotral safety. Types o f sexual abuse, good and bad touch, personal serfety. stranger safety and on how to react in spea'fic threat situations were some o f the areas wherein the children needed to be educated.