Clone Detection Using Enhanced EDD (EEDD) with Danger Theory in Mobile Wireless Sensor Network

dc.categoryJournal Article
dc.contributor.authorPadmavathi, G
dc.departmentComputer Scienceen_US
dc.description.abstractIn the recent years, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are widely used to reap the benefits o f sensing capacity o f mobile nodes and its wireless mode o f communication. Sensor network architectures can be used for various applications that include intrusion detection, military patrols, border monitoring, etc. The security o f nodes in a sensor network is a challenging issue as they are easy targets for attacks. The node replication attack is one among those attacks. The adversary can capture security credentials from a node by compromising the node. The adversary can replicate the node using the same ID. To rectify this problem in a sensor network, various replica node detection techniques have been proposed. These techniques do not work well when multiple replicas are introduced in the neh\>ork against genuine nodes. Subsequently, the detection capability of the nehvork is degi-aded. To overcome these problems, this paper proposes Enhanced Efficient Distributed Detection (EEDD) algorithm. It combines the best features o f EDD and danger theory o f artificial immune system. This hybrid approach EEDD detects the clones. This method prevents multiple replicas in the WSN. The advantages o f the proposed method include (i) increased detection rate, (ii) decreased overheads, (Hi) high Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR) and (iv) low energy consumption. The proposed method is tested in a simulated environment.en_US
dc.publisher.nameInternational Journal of Security and Its Applicationsen_US
dc.titleClone Detection Using Enhanced EDD (EEDD) with Danger Theory in Mobile Wireless Sensor Networken_US
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