Self Employed-Women in Vending Activities in Coimbatore City

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Self-employed persons in informal sector are characlerized by higir incidence of casual Jabour, mostly doing intermittent jobs with very low earnings and there is a total lack of job secdrit)' as well as admissibility of social security benefits. Many of the self-employed units are operated on pavements, crowded streets and odd places for lack o f suitable space. The government quite often forces the self-owned enterprises to evacuate their worldng place on account o f over-crowding, health considerations, trafh'c^congesdons, enHronmenfal and aesthetic factors or because the land they occupy does not belong to them. In India, the informal sector plays a vital role in employment and production front. An attempt is made in thus study to find out the problems faced by women vendors in Coimbatore city. For this 100 women vendors selling fruits and vegetables in Coimbatore, city were approached. A pre tested interview Schedule was administered to them in the month of October 2012. Details on their socio, economic and demographic stadsdcs were collected and die reasons for them to talte up the vending acdvities and the problems they face in doing the work were also collected. The collected details were analysed ushig SPSS 16.5 Version. The study reveals the role of S e lf Help Group in maJdng these down trodden women to save and also the need for strengthening the operations of the commercial baiilts to reach the unreached. The importance of providing formal education to increase the income o f these women was brought through an esdmated model: Further, how the women are forced to enter in the vending activities because of economic reasons brings out the need for an integrated, holisdc approach for the upliftment of women who are self employed.