Impact of Home Environment on Adolescents

dc.categoryBook Chapter
dc.contributor.authorBaradha, G
dc.departmentHuman Developmenten_US
dc.description.abstractThis paper highlights the importance of home environments on adolescents. The world is passing through a great crisis in almost all spheres of life. Delinquency among adolescents all over the world has reached an alarming proportion as to become a cause of concern. The changes in lifestyles, family patterns and environment as a result of, industrialization, urbanization and modernization have contributed to the growth of delinquency rates. Environment includes all the factors, human and others, to which the individual is exposed from his birth -parents, family, friends, surrounding, school, socio-economic conditions. . Environments act as a moulding and shaping agency, playing a vital role in nurturing the future life of an individual. Nature tells us one theory, that a tree grows from its roots, its strength depends on how deep the roots have gone. Likewise, the type of environment found . at home plays a very important role in determining values, a^iration, problems, cognitive, emotional and social development of children. Home is the first socializing agent, value . indicator and the most effective one too. Children will pick up all the desirable social norms and undesirable social norms from their home environment; A child’s relationship to the universe can be more meaningful if he develops appropriate moral values, ideals and philosophy of life. No child can grow in a vacuum. He needs all the elements in this environment to help him to grow, to develop, to become complete and, in short, to possess integrity.en_US
dc.publisher.nameAuthor's Publicationsen_US
dc.titleImpact of Home Environment on Adolescentsen_US
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