Appraising The Stress Level of 8"’ Grade Students

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Students of this generation face unpdrfilM pressure and challenges with society’s current emphasis on academic perfection. Present study was undertaken to examine the ievel of stress among the selected sample ofpth grade students and analyse its institution Specific differences (private and government). ALso the study examines the influence of tliefndepondent variables namely gender cind age on the stress level and its in teraction effect on the same. Institution based cross sectionalresearch design was adopted, where in six.schools (three private and three government) were identified through multistage cluster sampling and all the 8th standiird students of the identified schools constitute the sample. Thus a total o f528 students were selected puf of which355 were taken fiPrngprivdfeschdolahfithe remaining iT 3 from a government school. Questionnaire to elicit the general background of the selected childrehahdcheckiisht^^^ assess the perceived stress level of school children was constructed and administered to thesample. Resultkindicated.that the magnitude ofstress was significantly higher among the government school students, whereas private schoolstudentswerefeinarMbly better in terms of their level of stress. Thefindings support the idea that all students must be tailored with stress coping mechanism for their high level of stress with special focus on government school students so that their approach lo deal with cun he changed.