Customer Relationship Management in Lilt Insurance Corporation o f India Paving Wa) for Financial Inclusion among Wom en

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Cusloniei Relationship Management is a process which can enhance the efliciency o f tJie Inalan limn., f i ' sector especially insurance. Financial inclusion represents reliable access to att'ordable savings, insurance .'•mi, • x. loans and remittances. I t primarily implies access to insurance services, deposits, bank accounts, etc. The esii iu c t inclusion o f women and their view o f customer relationship maintained b y the Life Insurance Corporation o f India aii the issues covered in this study. The researcher has collected the information with the help o f Interview Sebedid, from TJO women respondents. A non-probability sampling procedure was used to select sample rcspondenl.x 1 he study is conducted in Coimbatore City o f Tamilnadu. Majority o f the respondents ranked Life Insurance PoHi ics lirst among all other Investment options. 'The overall satisfactions o f the respondents about th e services at the / /( agent’s were te sted through t-te st and analysis o f variances. I t is te sted based on the criteria’s such as respondent* Age, Education, Annual Income, and the Life Policy schemes, preferred b y them.