Residual Effects of Integrated Nutrient Management With Farmyard Manure, Coirpith and Pressmud Compost on Cluster Bean

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An experiment was conducted on sandy clay loam soil to study the effect of coirpith, pressmud and farmyard manure on the vegetative and yield parameters of cluster bean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba L. (taub) var. Pusa Navbahar). On the 25th day a significant increase in root length and shoot length was observed in TI1 (FYM + 25%NPK) treatment. An increase in plant fresh weight was observed in T6 (composted coirpith + 50% NPK), number of nodules in T8 (FYM + 50% NPK), plant dry weight in T12 (composted coirpith + composted pressmud +FYM) treatment. On the 45'h day an increase in root length was observed and shoot length was observed in TI 1 (FYM + 25% NPK) treatment. Number of nodules was increase in T9 (composted coirpith + 25% NPK) and dry weight in T2 (composted coirpith) On the 55th day the root length was increase in T5 (100% NPK) and shoot length, number of nodules, plant fresh weight and plant dry weight in T11 ( FYM + 25% NPK) treatment. An significant increase in number of fruits was observed in T12 (composted coirpith + composted pressmud + FYM). The yield parameters such as weight of pods, pods fresh weight, pods dry weight and length of pods was increased in T11 (FYM + 25% NPK) treatment, number of seed per pod was increased in T6 (composted coirpith + 50% NPK) and weight of seeds per pod was increase in T7 (composted pressmud + 50% NPK) treatment. The use of composted coirpith, composted pressmud and farmyard manure showed increasing trend in respect of biometric and yield parameters.