Music in Puranas

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Puranas are the treasure of our Indian history, which pictnrise the life style of ancient people. Puranas are the guide, not only for the ancient people, but for the present and future man kind to lead a pieceful life. They are the richest collection of mythological informations, folklores, stories, literature, knowledge regarding sacred rituals in the form of hymns. Puranas were categorised as major and minor. It was written by Veda Vyasa after the great epic Mahabharata. This research reveals the musical information from Bhagavata, Agni Purana, Harivamsa, Markandeya, Vayu, Skantha, Brhaddharma and Visnudharmottara. Since Puranas are the sources which tluow light on the cultural history of the ancient people, the analyses from few of the main 18 Puranas will help us to know about the musical information of the ancient period such as: Svaras, the various types of musical forms (songs), different types of Talas, meters and so on.