Factors Determing Unemployment Among Unemiployed Youths

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The key strategy for achieving inclusive grov\/th in the Eleventh Plan has been generation of productive and gainful employment, \A/ith decent \A/orking conditions, on Tsu”fficieht~sTa 1'e~toTbybrB"th”e grdwfnylabWr foTceTAs p“eTNSSO’ clatayemploymen't■■■■ on a current daily status (CDS) basis during 1999-2000 to 2004-05 had accelerated significantly as compared to the grov\yth witnessed during 1993-94 to 1999-2000. During 1999-2000 to 2004-05, about 47 million work opportunities were created compared to only 24 million in the period between 1993-94 an d 1999-2000 and employment growth accelerated from 1.25 per cent per annum to 2.62 per cent per annum. However, since the labour force grew at a faster rate of 2.84 per cent than the workforce, unemployment also rose. The incidence of unemployment on CDS basis increased from 7.31 per cent in 1999i2000 to 8.28 per cpnt in 2004-05. A comparative study of different estimates of unemployment during 2007-08 indicates that the CDS estimate of unemployment rate being the broadest is the highest. The higher unemployment .mtes according to the CDS approach vis-a-vis weekly and usual status approaches indicate a high degree of intermittent unemployment. In this backdrop, an attempt was made to analyse the determinants of unemployment among educated unemployed youths. In Coimbatore district, sickness of the industries was one of the main causes for unemployment. There was grater gap between the growing of job opportunities and the labour force. The unemployed youths opined that there was a need to create additional job opportunities to match with the growing labour force. The common factor determining unemployment level in all the educational level was the age of the respondent. The relationship between the duration of unemployment and the age of the respondent was observed to be positive which shows that the age of the respondent was higher, higher would be the duration of unemployment and vice versa. It implied that the unemployment problem was not solved for a long period of time. At higher educational level, the sex of the respondent and family income added with the age of the respondent to determine duration of unemployment. In the pooled analysis educational status of the respondents was also observed to be significant factor determining duration of unemployment.