Developing Software to amend Work Life Balance among IT Professionals

dc.categoryJournal Article
dc.contributor.authorArockia Maraichelvi, K
dc.departmentHuman Developmenten_US
dc.description.abstractWork life imbalance occurs when the cumulative demand of many work and non work life roles betomes incompatible. The information Technology (IT) world tends to compromise on this most important aspect in the pursuit of higher pay check. Hence this study v>/as carried out with the objective of assessing the efficacy of the software developed in amending the work life balance among the. respondents. Hundred IT professionals from, Kolkata. called as the primary sample were assessed for their level of work life balance (WLB) and the professionals suffering from work life imbalance, called the secondary sample were culied out to undergo the enhancement programme. The tools used were the self structured questionnaire to assess WLB, and software designed to provide tips on amending work life balance. The key findings were A total of 68% of the sample suffered from poor and fair level of work life balance The grand total score of the secondary sample (68) after enhancement was 8492 against the^ expected score of 9316, which designates that the soft\^are developed has very well served its” purpose and Thirty two per cent and 56% of the secondary sample could accomplish good and fair level of work life balance respectively after the enhancement programme. Laconically, these findings revealed that the software developed to amend work life balance could improve the life quality Of the selected sample by enhancing their resources and productivity.en_US
dc.publisher.nameInternational Journal of Exdusive Management Researchen_US
dc.titleDeveloping Software to amend Work Life Balance among IT Professionalsen_US
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