Conjugated Effect of Composted Coirpith, Composted Pressmud, Farmyard Manure and Npk On Soil Enzyme Activities and Nutrient Status of Post Harvested Soil of Clusterbean Cyamopsis Tetragonoloba L. (Taub) Var. Pusa Navbahar)

dc.categoryJournal Article
dc.contributor.authorAnju Singh
dc.contributor.authorVijayaLakshmi, A
dc.departmentLife Science - Botanyen_US
dc.description.abstractA field experiment was conducted to study the effect of composted coirpith, composted pressmud, farmyard manure and NPK on soil enzyme activities and nutrient status of post harvested soil of clusterbean. The experiment consisting of twelve treatments (T1- Control,T2- Composted coirpith (I2.5t ha ", T3- Composted pressmud (12.51 had ), T4- Farmyard manure (12.5t had), T5- NPK (100%), T6- Composted coirpith (12.5t had ) + 50% NPK, T7- Composted pressmud (I2.51 had ) + 50% NPK, T5- Farmyard manure (12.5t hi') + 50% NPK, T9- Composted coirpith (12.51 ha d) + 25% NPK, Tio- Composted pressmud (12.5t hi') + 25% NPK, T11- Farmyard manure (I2.5t hi') + 25 % NPK. T12- Composted coirpith (6.5t had ) + Composted pressmud (6.5t had ) + Farmyard manure (6.5t hi') was laid in a pot having 7kg soil (per pot) with three replications. Dehydrogenase and the urease enzyme activity of the soil with different treatments used for the productivity of cluster bean was high in all the treatments but the maximum was found in T12 (Composted coirpith (6.5t had) + Composted pressmud (6.5t had ) + Farmyard manure (6.5t hi') followed by T9 (Composted coirpith (12.5t ha"') + 25% NPK) when compared to the control T1. pH of the post harvest soil of cluster bean was maximum in Ts (Farmyard manure (12.5t hi') + 50% NPK), while all other nutrients (electrical conductivity (millimhos cm-'), organic carbon (%), available nitrogen (Kg had ), available phosphorus (Kg hi '), available potassium (Kg had ), sulphur (ppm) and available micronutrients (copper (ppm), zinc (ppm), iron (ppm) and manganese (ppm)) were maximum in T, 2(Composted coirpith (6.51 had ) + Composted pressmud (6.5t had) + Farmyard manure (6.5t had) when compared to the control T, in post harvest soil of cluster bean.en_US
dc.publisher.nameInternational Journal of Development Researchen_US
dc.titleConjugated Effect of Composted Coirpith, Composted Pressmud, Farmyard Manure and Npk On Soil Enzyme Activities and Nutrient Status of Post Harvested Soil of Clusterbean Cyamopsis Tetragonoloba L. (Taub) Var. Pusa Navbahar)en_US
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