Development and Evaluation Of Nutritious Mix Incorporating Papaya

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ugffik the second largest producer o f fruits and vegetables in yet the post-harvest losses seem to be 30 to 40 per ct0tliese types of losses could be diverted to produce the ancHsed foods rich in macro and micro nutrients to avoid undemutrilion. Papayas are available throughout the year, yet adf utility the processed foods are limited. Hence the study fiS undertaken with the broad objective o f d e v e lo p in g nutritious mix and extruded products based on locally available Ingredients with wheat flour as the base incorporating tiped papaya in dried form (2.5 to 10 per cent). Q u a lity characteristics, nutrient analysis and microbial lo a d were analysed for the best accepted products. The results o f quality characteristics reveaied that the wettabiiity, cooked weight, rthydratlon ratio and percentage water in rehydrated Increased after dry roasting of the best accepted extruded products in the raw form. The protein content of standard manual noodles (W.3g per WOg) was found to be better than the other accepted incorporations, the vitamin and mineral co n te n t of the incorporated products were superior to the s ta n d a rd "liui/uirfs. The to ta l in ic ro b ia i load was beiow t iio uiS tpecilieations. The cost o f the developed p ro d u c ts were iKonoinical than the commercial formulae.