Comparison of RSA-Threshold Cryptography and ECC-Threshold Cryptography for Small Mobile Adhoc Networks

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A mobile ad hoc netw o rk is a special type o f wireless network in which a collection o f mobile hosts with wireless network interfaces may form a tem p o ra ry network. Without the aid o f p ro p e r fixed in fra stru c tu re , providing secure communications is a big challenge. The strength of the security solutions very much depends on the cryptographic keys used for communication. Efficient key management is an im p o rtan t req u irem en t of such networks. For networks like MANET which a re basically constrained networks with minimum resources, identification of suitable asymmetric cryptosystem is a vital one. Hence an a ttem p t has been made in this p ap e r to identity a suitable asymmetric-threshold based cryptosystems for small MANETs. The study focuses on the comparison o f Rivest Sh amir Adelman-Threshold Cry p to g rap h y and Elliptic Curve C ry p to g rap h y Threshold C ry p to g rap h y in terms o f the performance pa ram e te rs like key generation time. Encryption time. Decryption time and communication cost. Different small network scenarios with variable node sizes and key sizes a re experimented and the results show th a t ECC-TC is the most desirable asymmetric-threshold cryptosystem for small MANET.