Effect of Composted Coirpith, Composted Pressmud and Farmyard Manure Application on Soil Enzyme Activities and Leghaemoglobin Content in Nodules of Green Gram

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An experiment was conducted at Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu (India) for assessing the effect of composted coirpith, composted pressmud and FYM on leghaemoglobin content in nodules of green gram-and enzymatic activity (dehydrogenase and urease) of the soil sowned green gram (Vigna radiata L.). There was an increase in leghaemoglobin content from 25 to 45 DAS and its goes down gradually upto 55 DAS .The treatmentT12 (composted coirpith + composted pressmud + farmyard manure) showed increased leghaemoglobin content followed by T9 (composted coirpith + NPK) as compared to the control T i . Soil enzymatic activity dehydrogenase and urease activity increase upto 45 DAS and then declined gradually in 55 and 75 DAS. T12 (composted coirpith + composted pressmud + farmyard manure) treatment shows more dehydrogenase and urease activity followed by T9 (composted coirpith + NPK) against the control (T1 ). Hence composted coirpith; composted pressmud and farmyard manure increased the leghaemoglobin content of the nodules of green gram and also the enzymatic activity of the treated soil.