Effect of Phytase and Citric Acid Supplementation on the Growth Performance, Phosphorus, Calcium and Nitrogen Retention on Broiler Chicks Fed with Low Level of Available Phosphorus

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An experiment was conducted to study the effect of phyt.ase and citric acid on the growth perforinance, phosphorus, calcium and nitrogen retention with sixty 1 day old mixed sex broiler chicks for 42 days. The expennient consists of four treatments with three replicates and live chicks in each implicate. The treatments were; Tl-control diet (0.3% available phosphorus), T2-control diet with 2% citric acid, T3-control diet with 8(X) IJ pliyd.ase enzyme. T4-control diet with 800 k.l phytase plus 2% citric acid. The results revealed that tlie weight gam of the chicks was significantly liigher (p<0.05) for groups t.hat received phytase and phytase |Jiis cil.nc acid supjilementation. Feed intake and feed conversion ratio were significantly higher for group that received both phytase and citric acid. Phytase and citric acid supplementation indmdually and in combination signilieantly improved phosphorus retention. Calcium and nitrogen retention were significantly higher for groups that received supplementation of phytase and pliytase plus citric acid. Mo significant difference in phosphorus and calcium content of toe samples were observed between broilers of different diets.