Imapact of PublicPrivate Partnership in Infrastructure Inclusive Growth in India

dc.categoryJournal Article
dc.contributor.authorAmbiga Devi, P
dc.description.abstractDevelopment o f an economy depends on the quantum o f investment made on infrastructure. Before economic reforms infrastrubture development was considered to be the domain o f the government. Since economic reforms o f 1991, it was realized that the government alone could not meet the financial requirements o f infrastructure and that the participation o f private sector is also essential. To have sustained growth, India should avoid the mistake o f reducing investment in infrastructure made by many Latin American and East'Asian countries in the 1990s when they faced financial crises. Reducing investment in infrastructure turned out to be a short-sighted fiscal solution, making it all the more difficult for these countries to get out o f recession. India faces extraordinary challenges in achieving its ambitious medium-term infrastructure investment program, anchored in the Government o f India’s XI Five-Year Plan (2007-12) document. The plan has estimated that US$492 billion is needed over the next five years in improving roads, raihvays, ports, power, and water. This would require almost doubling infrastructure spending from its current 5 percent o f GDP. In this backdrop, an attempt was made to analyse the impact o f public private partnership in infrastructure on inclusive growth in India. The findings o f the study show that the increase in the number o f projects in infrastriiciure under public private partnership could bring inclusive growth in the states. The value o f the projects was not a matter to contribute to inclusive grow’th o f the states.en_US
dc.identifier.issn2249-7307 A
dc.publication.categoryJournal Articleen_US
dc.publisher.nameAsian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Managementen_US
dc.titleImapact of PublicPrivate Partnership in Infrastructure Inclusive Growth in Indiaen_US
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